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The Kitchen Team

You have been chosen to attend cooking school, but before you can go, you need to choose a position
Each member of your group will have one of the following roles:

Executive Chef - This person keeps the group on track. Responsible for discovering websites that pertain to the topic the group has chosen. You should be mindful fo the time that is spent on each site. You should allow enough time for the Head Chef and Sous Chef to complete their tasks before moving on.

Head Chef - This person is responsible for writing down the information that has been discovered at various websites. You should keep a log of all websites visited and any important information that you would like to present to the class.

Sous Chef - This person should read the information from the websites to the group. Remember that before you continue on to ask the members of your group if they are ready to move forward.

Demi Chef - This person will create a power point presentation about the new facts that have been learned. There should be at least 6 slides and the entire team will contribute information for the presentation.

Each member of your group must participate in presenting your information to the class.

Remember to keep on track

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